Saturday, November 4, 2023

Staying Relevant

 What can I say? THEY LOVE US!

PKP nation! We made television news on October 24th, thanks to Nikita Dennis of WJBF, who interviewed me about our efforts in restoring the Park for widlife. Catch the segment here:

Many thanks to Nikita and the WJBF team for publicizing our efforts to a broader network!

Also along these lines, the Georgia Department of Natural Resource's Wildlife Conservation Section featured the Pendleton King Park Restoration Initiative in their seminal Georgia WILD newsletter. I am such a huge fan of this monthly newsletter and discover all sorts of goings-on in the world of Georgia conservation. It's so well put together, and it's a privilege to get a mention on this wildly shared publication. 

For those interested in subscribing to Georgia WILD (and I highly recommend that you do!), enter your email address on this subscription portal:

Unfortunately we were not able to meet today, and I hope that my failure to post on the blog about a cancellation didn't cause anyone to show up without meeting the group. If so, I at least hope you had a pleasant experience in the Park this Saturday morning. 

As of now, I am not sure about having a makeup day for today's cancellation, but I will keep in touch if this changes. But we are on for Saturday, November 18th!

See you then!

Sunday, October 22, 2023

4th Quarter

 It's the top of the fourth quarter, and the starters are all still in. We've shed blood, sweat, and tears of joy all year. Where others would have reached a point of fatigue from battling their hearts out for three full seasons this year, the Ivy League only presses on, harder and more determined.

We've absolutely slayed October. I continue to be so amazed by the effort of our mighty volunteer crew, who has worked so hard in 2023 and returns to every workday even stronger. This month has been such a good one for the Ivy League and PKP. I'll definitely limit my wordiness despite my desire to wax on and on in deference to the beautiful photos from this month (which are worth at least 1001 words).

English Ivy Study: 9/28/23

Between our September 16th workday and our October 14th workday I simply could not resist a solo strike at the Park's plant invaders, so I slipped over and took on a particularly egregious English Ivy infestation that had been irking me as I gazed at it from my back porch. One nice, large Water Oak was being so overburdened by mature (and flowering) English Ivy that I could stand it no more. So I went to free this tree and a few others on the western border of the park.

I could practically hear this Water Oak begging for mercy, so I responded to the call. English Ivy has no place in this park. Get a load of the SIZE of the vines strangling this tree! You couldn't even see the tree's bark anymore. This noxious weed is a double threat: it strangles trees and blocks out all groundcover. Insidious...

Okay back to our regularly scheduled programming. It's a somewhat muggy October 14th and the League heeds the battle call. Today the Ivy League lives up to the full significance of its moniker, as 3/5 volunteers of the day have PhD's!!! That's a ton of mental firepower taking on some bad plants.

Our focus for the day was the platform overlook near the restrooms by disc golf hole #8. This decrepit and neglected construction has been chosen for rehab, thanks to a grant from the Georgia Rehabilitation Institute. So, in anticipation of resurfacing and reconstruction of a handicapped-accessible platform for bird and wildlife viewing, we stepped in to fight back the consuming brush.



Scholars of the Ivy League

This morning of induced invasive plant death will pave the way for new life for this area. Not long after the completion of our task, this gorgeous Red-shouldered Hawk christened the platform, as if signaling the approval of our efforts by the wildlife of PKP.

Of course we chopped down the Chinese and Glossy Privets in the vicinity, and rid the native trees of English Ivy encroachment, but this area needs more rehab. Some continued woody exotic removal and some English Ivy spraying will do it good. Not to mention the hoards of trash that we picked up from inconsiderate USERS of the park. 


Now on to October 21st, a day in which the Ivy League took on a new front: the southern front. Due mostly to an incredibly busy disc golf tournament in the park, we opted to stay away from our usual haunts and expand our impact. I've been wanting to take on the area between the flooded swamp and Lake Elizabeth for months now, and this seemed to be the perfect occasion. 

Nine years ago, the Phinizy Center for Water Sciences worked on a project in this area, and a portion of their efforts were directed at invasive plant removal (see

Although this was an excellent step, this project was abandoned, and exotic trees remain along the perimeter of the work area, and new invaders have taken root. This spot is a wetland with excellent potential, mainly thanks to the hydrology work and native tree plantings of the Phinizy Center. It was really neat to discover their native plants thriving as we fought back the tide of exotic plants. 

A dozen folks chipped in at one point or another: featuring regulars, folks from the Grovetown Garden Club High School, and some members of the local Azalea Garden Club. It was a day of beautiful, crisp fall weather, smiles, and wanton destruction. Can't beat it!

Gosh this project has been so much fun and is incredibly rewarding. I'm so grateful to all the kind and caring folks that have sacrificed their Saturday mornings for such a great cause, and I encourage everyone to get in on this history making and cookie crunching madness!

So there you have it, another kick-ass month in the books. Looking forward to November! Hope to see you all Saturday, November 4th!!

Sunday, September 17, 2023

New Frontiers

 Our September work has concluded and has brought great achievement and great promise! The Ivy League has shifted gears a bit this month and are taking on the arduous and hopefully not too controversial task of dealing with landscaped invasive trees in the more visible sections of the park. 

Fall is an excellent time to do tree removal for several reasons: it's getting cooler!, birds are no longer nesting and cannot be disturbed by tree removal, and applying herbicide to the cut stems of trees is much more effective due to downward fluid transport to roots as they prepare for dormancy.

With several months until tree delivery (I've ordered over 100 native trees from Georgia Forestry Commission) and tree planting season, our crew is setting its sights on removing problematic trees. These trees are non-native and are reproducing prolifically, and we intend to replace them with native trees that improve wildlife habitat. We're engaged in a sort of two-pronged approach at the moment. As we restore native habitat in the woods, we see it necessary to remove the source populations of invasive plants that were planted in the park by well-intentioned but misinformed park lovers years ago. 

So with this context laid out, let us recap the September 9th workday. Five folks stopped in to partake in the grunt labor that defines this part of restoration. To begin the day, we targeted the most ironic and hypocritical feature of Pendleton King Park, an American flag surrounded by aggressive Chinese Holly trees. These four trees comprised a bit more biomass that we figured and were absolutely LOADED with fruits. Removal of these guys made for some really provocative photo ops that symbolize what the native plant movement is all about.

Dragging these bad boys to the dumpster was a difficult task, and I really appreciate everyone's heroic efforts in doing so. 

For those readers and park enthusiasts who are somewhat disturbed by our efforts that appear to be "degreening" the park, I am including this picture and a short narrative to drive the point home. 

Just take a second to look at the hundreds and thousands of berries that these hollies were loaded with. This picture sums up the issue at hand. 

What we are doing is ridding the park of the "forbidden fruit." Yes birds like to eat these berries and nest in the branches, but most of these Asiatic species lack the nutrition and wildlife value that our birds have grown accustomed to. Imagine if every time you ate some preservative-drenched piece of junk food, it replaced a fresh produce item in the grocery store. Eventually the whole store would be full of garbage. Well, that's what's happening in our woods and especially so at Pendleton King Park. 

Blaming these birds for eating and dispersing exotic plant fruits is the equivalent of blaming some road warrior for caving into the Wendy's four for four deal. When you're tired, hungry, and in an unfamiliar place, you're gonna grab what's available-despite the consequences. And that's exactly the case with the thousands of migratory birds that move through the park each year.

So we really hold the blame in this breakdown, for introducing species that lead to the deterioration of habitat and outcompete critical native species. We've tipped the balance for purely aesthetic reasons in favoring non-natives over natives, despite the fact that many exotic plants have a native alternative (these Chinese Hollies should be American Hollies!).

So enough of my rant. Here's a photo of Zach post Chinese Holly removal that typifies this month's work nicely:

We had a little time left after this project, so we switched gears to taking down two Bradford Pears in the shade of a majestic Longleaf Pine. Bradford Pear is public enemy #1. States like Ohio and South Carolina will soon ban their sale and are offering bounties in which Bradfords are removed and native trees are offered in return. These are really worthless trees from an ecological standpoint and are EXTREMELY aggressive in their takeover. Anyone skeptical of this claim should drive down Doug Bernard Parkway when they flower in March- you will be floored.

So despite the debris dumpster being full, we took em down and have opened up more space to plant native trees. 

Yuck-the forbidden fruit

Now fast-forward to September 16th, our other park workday. Diane and Anthony joined me to take down two more yucky Bradford Pears along the Azalea Trail (very carefully avoiding causing any damage to the many planted azaleas in the vicinity).

One big tree was kind of a doozy, and it took the majority of our workday to parcel it up and move it to a location for pickup.




I'm super psyched about the space that we have made to plant some beneficial trees here along the Azalea Trail. I'm also excited about the removal of devilish progeny that we are preventing from entering the food and dispersal chain.

I'm signing off with this victorious photo of Anthony. I miss seeing all of you all! Please come out and join in this important effort on Saturday, October 14th. Note that this is actually the second Saturday of the month-another deviation to accommodate my being out of town on the 7th. Hope to see y'all then to enjoy a nice fall day of good, hard work! And thanks for sticking with my longwindedness- I feel the need to justify these efforts in particular. Adios!

Friday, September 1, 2023


 Greetings all,

We will not be meeting this Saturday, September 2nd but will opt for Saturday, September 9th for a workday. Labor Day festivities and a PKP disc golf tournament do not pair well with a workday, so we'll postpone a week. Hope to see y'all then!

Sunday, August 20, 2023

August and Everything After

 Two hard-fought battles were waged at PKP this month. What follows are accounts from the spoils of war.


Nine fearless and determined park warriors amassed this sweltering August morning to inflict permanent harm on woody exotics. Working mainly in paired groups, we contoured the hillside of the wetland, slashing and girdling every privet, Nandina, and Chinese Holly in sight. The destruction was a beautiful sight to behold. Our efforts are producing a visible beneficial effect on the structure of the woods here. As we remove more and more exotic vegetation from the understory, midstory, and canopy, more light reaches the previously suppressed native vegetation that forms the backbone of this ecosystem. 

It was a morning of many photo ops. 

Zach and Katie -code name suite life of Zach and Katie- deserve special recognition for their herculean efforts in clearing English Ivy and Chinese Privet from the springhead, where they received their official PKP baptism.

Full Send

Their efforts were rewarded by the discovery of an amphibian amigo. 

And to conclude, here are a few habitat shots showing visible progress:

Hell on left, Heaven on right

Privet desolation 


A hearty crew of five basked in the nice, cool, and dry fall weather to continue the crusade against woody exotics at the Park. 

Witch-Hazel holding on

Paw Paw

Utricularia sp.

We had a ball as we head for the thick of it, making loads of progress and also unlocking further reaches to be conquered. Waders and muck boots were a staple of the day as we approached the wetlands to clear them of their invasions. We waxed the first of the Chinese Tallowtrees of the project-the first of many. But fortunately we're catching this invasion much earlier than that of the Glossy Privet and English Ivy, which are firmly established in large portions of the park. It was during these aquatic strikes that this crappy photo of the only carnivorous plants that I know of in the park was captured (little yellow flowers). These Bladderworts are truly remarkable plants that capture and digest small organisms like mosquito larvae underwater. I'd say that's something worth fighting for.

I'm so looking forward to seeing what September has in store! Long live the Ivy League!!

April Forecast

Springtime!!! A beautiful time to be at the Park. But alas, the Restoration Initiative will not be meeting this April . So use the break to ...